eBelong project represents one of CIVIS achievements in terms of collaboration that was made possible between leading higher education partners across Europe, that share a common vision on:
- Inclusiveness, equity and co-creation of knowledge and skills
- Digital and technological transformation
- Innovative pedagogical tools and training methodologies
- Resource and knowledge sharing
The project addresses the issue of social-emotional conditions of learning in HE, as successful learning is not just about the quality of knowledge and skills to be trained, but is very much related to quality of social interactions among key stakeholders in the process, as well as to the emotional engagement with learning experiences.
- IDENTIFYING the best practices that could enhance teaching and learning when using digital tools and create conditions for social and emotional engagement of students in online learning
- PROVIDING a framework for transforming and adapting learning support services, with a special focus on vulnerable groups.
- CREATING the tools to develop student’s sense of belonging in the context of virtual learning communities.
- Academics from partner universities, teaching online courses, with a focus on those with reduced digital literacy and limited capacity to transfer all teaching in online environment in an effective way
- Students studying at the partner universities and learning online, who need to develop a sense of belonging, with a focus on those from vulnerable groups.